Official Documents

Below, are the official documents and letters of acknowledgment and support from other NGO's in the area.  If there is some other paper or document that you are looking for please let us know of your need and we will show it to you.


Our certificate of registration as an NGO with Nepal government Our business license to sell our crafts Our community agreement to care for and use community forest Chapakot  village development recommen- dation  Recommen- dation from the local community office 

You can contact the Bamboo's Secret Charity for more information, contributions, spiffy ideas and/or work offerings at:

The Bamboo's Secret
Phone: 1 (808) 344-8023
Or directly in Nepal:

The Bamboo's Secret School
Bamdi, Chapakot

Email to Nepal:

More about the Bamboo's Secret project The Bamboo roofing Project
4 years later- what's going on now? Bamboo Craft Goods We  Make and Sell
Projects  that you can help with. Donations! Who is behind all this?  
Click here to find out who we are